"Devil in Her Heart" was originally "Devil in His Heart", written by Richard Drapkin (aka Ricky Dee). It was first recorded by The Donays, a lesser-known Motown girl group from Detroit, and later adapted for The Beatles. George provided lead vocals.
Hungry for more information, I expanded my search. On the About.com page for the song, it's called "the rarest song covered by The Beatles". The most interesting part, in my opinion, was a discussion of the sound of the song and notes about lyric changes:
The Beatles' version is faster than the original, and emphasizes its Latin flavor a bit more, but is otherwise identical. Several lyrical substitutions are made, however, besides the obvious gender switch: "This someday you'll see" is replaced by "She's an angel sent to me," a later line, while "No, not me will he deceive" becomes "No, no, nay will she deceive."
That's something I picked up on and really enjoyed about this one; it's a song you can tango to. :) Another site that gave me more info was beatlesebooks.com. There is a large amount of history and fascinating facts on that page; I highly recommend reading it top to bottom. One part that really caught my eye, though, was that there was apparently a disagreement over the lyrics:
There was one inadvertent error made as well due to them trying to decipher the lyrics from the original 45. "No, not me will he deceive" mistakenly became "no, no, nay will she deceive." Interestingly, they sang the correct line during their BBC performance two days earlier, but changed it to “no, no nay” when recording it properly in EMI studios. And when the Beatles returned to the song six years later (January 7th, 1969) for an impromptu run-through of the song, Lennon is heard correcting McCartney's remembrance of the lyrics, still insisting the lyrics included "no no nay."
Always interesting. :)
My Heart It Tally, still standing strong at one, is as disappointing as ever, but I have high hopes for the future. Once we start getting into some more well-known albums and songs, I'm sure the number will increase at a more seemly pace. So, that's it for today... See you later!
[Note: You'll notice all my awesome pictures are gone. I'm doing this to avoid getting in trouble with the owners of the pictures. Apparently even citing the sources for the photos doesn't count as NOT infringing on the copyright, so unfortunately from now on this journey will have to be illustrated by the eminently boring photographs of the public domain. Sorry 'bout that.]
Heard It Tally: 1
Songs Completed: 26
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