Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tell Me What You See

"Tell Me What You See" is the name of today's song. It was written mostly by Paul (he first said the work was 60-40 between him and John, but later claimed all the work was his own, so who knows?), who labeled the song "not awfully memorable". 

The song features a lot of neat, quirky instruments including a Hohner Pianet and a güiro (both played by Paul), a tambourine and a pair of claves (both played by Ringo). "Tell Me What You See" is also remarkable in that it "shows the musical growth of the Beatles since Please Please Me, and foreshadows their further exploration on Rubber Soul and Revolver." The guys were exploring with more than just inverted syntax ("If you put your trust in me / I'll make bright your day"). According to Wikipedia, "Evident in the song's structure and instrumentation is the group's then growing folk influence, with lyrics more mature and reflective than was standard in their earlier output."

As for me, when the song started it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Once I got deeper into the song, though, I caught the hang of it and I began to enjoy it. Learning about all the neat instruments the boys used definitely made it more interesting for me, too. :)

That's all for today... We've finished Beatles VI and we'll be starting Help! tomorrow. I'm definitely looking forward to it! After I've completed the album, I'll watch the video and do another movie review. :) See you guys tomorrow!

Heard It Tally: 9
Songs Completed: 73

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