"Rain" is an almost-psychedelic jam from June 1966, released as the B-side of "Paperback Writer". Wikipedia notes:
Written by John Lennon, "Rain" has been called The Beatles' finest B-side, especially notable for its heavy sonic presence and backwards vocals, both of which were a hint of things to come on Revolver, released two months later.
The Beatles also made three promotional videos for the song, which were accompanied by other videos they were making at the time. These films and music videos "sparked George Harrison to say during the Beatles Anthology, 'So I suppose, in a way, we invented MTV.'" Not nearly as controversial a statement as John Lennon's "more popular than Jesus" comment from decades earlier, but definitely a bold claim--and more than probably true. :P
John Lennon said that the lyrics to "Rain" were inspired by people who complain about the weather all the time. When it's raining, they hide inside, yet when it's sunny, they stay in the shade. To Lennon, all weather was good weather--at least for this song it was. Although both he and producer George Martin claimed credit for the idea of flipping a couple of the last lines backwards, whoever did it had a great idea, one that The Beatles expanded on a great deal afterwards.
That's it for today! See you tomorrow.
Heard It Tally: 51
Songs Completed: 203
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