"I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" is a wonderfully depressing song. The singer is at a party, but removes himself so his dark mood doesn't affect the other party-goers. He's bummed out because he's waited and waited for his girl to show up, but she fails to, and after a few sips of liquid courage, he decides to go out for a walk to look for her.
Lennon was the primary author of the song, and we can see that "the lyrics revisit Lennon's familiar themes of alienation and inner pain." The sheer disappointed woe spelled out in this tune really makes you feel bad for John, who was capable of such great love and such great sorrow. This song, along with many of his others, give us a glimpse into the constantly-battling dichotomy of light and dark that raged in him. Pretty dramatic, I know, but then again he was a pretty dramatic guy.
I'm fond of this song--it shows us a sentiment many of us can relate to, a feeling of being nothing without that other person. I'm sure most of us have experienced that, making "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" a song filled with vital human emotions.
That's all for today... See you tomorrow. :)
Heard It Tally: 8
Songs Completed: 64
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