Monday, June 13, 2011

I'll Be Back

The next song is technically "You Can't Do That" but we've already covered that one, so today's song is now "I'll Be Back". This mopey tune features a singer with no self-respect or independence, who runs back to his girl every time she breaks his heart. Poor guy. It's much more hilarious, however, if you picture the Terminator singing instead ("I'll be back!"). Takes on a whole new dimension of meaning. :P

Wikipedia has a bunch of neat facts about "I'll Be Back":
With its poignant lyric and flamenco style acoustic guitars, "I'll Be Back" possess a tragic air. Unusually for a pop song it oscillates between major and minor keys, appears to have two different bridges and completely lacks a chorus. The fade-out ending is unexpectedly sudden, seeming to arrive half a verse prematurely.
I did notice the song ended quite suddenly; for a minute I thought the YouTube video I chose was incomplete. Wikipedia also includes an interesting quote from music journalist Robert Sandall, who wrote in Mojo Magazine:
"'I'll Be Back' was the early Beatles at their most prophetic. This grasp of how to colour arrangements in darker or more muted tones foreshadowed an inner journey they eventually undertook in three albums' time, on Rubber Soul"
That's something we'll find out in a few albums' time. :D For now, though, I've finished A Hard Day's Night so I'll be doing an album summary. I'll also watch the movie either today or tomorrow and post a review of it right afterward. I'll see you then!

Heard It Tally: 5
Songs Completed: 49

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