Today's sweet song is "Savoy Truffle". George Harrison, inspired by his friend Eric Clapton's chocolate addiction, "derived the title and many of the lyrics from a box of Mackintosh's Good News chocolates."
Apparently the "them" in the line "But you'll have to have them all pulled out / After the Savoy truffle" refers to one's teeth, which would rot after eating so much sugar. :P I enjoyed the lyrics, since I have a sweet tooth of my own, but on a shallow level, a song about candy isn't all that interesting.
The middle two verses seem to expand the meaning beyond simple candy, however. They talk about pain, as well as some kind of metaphysical identity issue ("You know that what you eat you are / But what is sweet now turns so sour / We all know Ob-la-di-bla-da / But can you show me where you are?"). They sound more like a torturous existential crisis (possibly due to drugs) than a cheerful sugar binge. Either way you interpret the song, however, it's still, on the surface at least, a song about tasty, sugary confections. :P
That's it for now. See you tomorrow!
Heard It Tally: 39
Songs Completed: 164
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