The notorious "Mean Mr. Mustard" was created by John Lennon while he was in India,
...inspired by a newspaper story about a miser who concealed his cash wherever he could in order to prevent people from forcing him to spend it. On reflection, he did not think highly of the composition, describing it in Anthology as 'a bit of crap I wrote in India.'
Mr. Mustard's sister was originally named "Shirley", but she was renamed "Pam" so that the song could segue into tomorrow's song, "Polythene Pam". Also, "Mean Mr. Mustard" was supposed to precede "Her Majesty" before the latter was moved to the end of the album, which is why Mustard ends so abruptly and doesn't seem to flow very smoothly into "Polythene Pam".
As a standalone song, there's not that much to talk about other than the lyrics; however, as part of the ongoing medley, it's a perfectly weird and suitable addition to the mix. :P
That's all for today! See you tomorrow. :)
Heard It Tally: 43
Songs Completed: 182
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