Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doctor Robert

Today's song is "Doctor Robert", which was written by John and Paul. Of the song's titular character: "Lennon said that he was Doctor Robert: 'I was the one who carried all the pills on tour ... in the early days'." 

With a rock-and-roll guitar and drums, and a tongue-in-cheek reference to a drug dealer in the lyrics, this song matches the old Beatles with the new in a pretty catchy way. Since I've seen Across the Universe so many times, I picture Bono in a cowboy hat singing "I Am the Walrus". :P Overall, this song is decent--not fabulous, but catchy in its own way and interesting enough to keep your attention throughout. :)

Sidenote: Today is song number 100! Happy birthday to me. :)

That's all for today! See you tomorrow for #101.

Heard It Tally: 18
Songs Completed: 100

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