Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love You To

Today's song is George Harrison's "Love You To" and features the sitar-heavy North Indian sound that he was so influenced and interested by, helped along by tutoring from Ravi Shankar. The song features such North Indian classical instruments as the tabla, a pair of hand-drums, and a tambura, along with the sitar. The tambura, a long-necked plucked lute, provides the song with a drone, in which a note or chord is continuously sounded through a piece, either entirely or partly.

Listening to this song was like feasting with my ears. There were so many rich sounds, melodies interweaving with the drums to create a truly beautiful sound. It makes you want to get up and do a twisty dance. :P Comparatively speaking, the lyrics seem almost mundane--almost. With a closer listen they match the music much better. The singer basically says you have to live life while you can, because "A lifetime is so short / A new one can't be bought". Pretty deep.

Well, that's it... See you tomorrow. :)

Heard It Tally: 20
Songs Completed: 106

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