Monday, August 15, 2011

I Want to Tell You

"I Want to Tell You" is today's song. Written by George Harrison, who often had trouble figuring out titles for his songs, working titles for this one included "Laxton's Superb" (a kind of apple) and "I Don't Know".

This one is a little off-putting for me. What Wikipedia calls "a catchy, persistent piano discord", I actually find pretty distracting. Obviously those weird notes are a fundamental part of the song, but I just have a bit of trouble with them. Generally I'm very fond of George's songs, but this one might be my least favorite at the moment. Of course, I do like the lyrics (as usual!) and Paul's wavery, Indian-influenced "I've got time" at the end as the song fades is pretty neat. :)

That's it for today! See you tomorrow. 

Heard It Tally: 21
Songs Completed: 112

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