Thursday, August 4, 2011

And Your Bird Can Sing

"And Your Bird Can Sing" is "a hard-edged rocker... memorable for its extended dual-guitar melody, played by George Harrison and Paul McCartney." It's also rather cryptic--the lyrics talk about a bird, which is British slang for girl, but the singer appears to be speaking to a woman already, so it's uncertain. John wasn't overly fond of this one:
Lennon was later dismissive of the song, as he was of many of his compositions at the time, referring to it as "another of my throwaways...fancy paper around an empty box".
I really enjoyed the guitar work in this song. It definitely adds a sharper edge to the tune, and if the lyrics are a little strange, the guitar is still awesome, so who cares? :P 

That's it for now. See you tomorrow!

Heard It Tally: 18
Songs Completed: 101

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