Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Today's song is "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", one of The Beatles' most famous songs. The song was written by John and Paul, and was reportedly inspired by a drawing that Lennon's son Julian did of his classmate, Lucy (Lucy Vodden, née O'Donnell, who died of lupus in 2009). Although Lennon denied the reference to LSD, Paul later admitted, in a 2004 interview, "'Lucy in the Sky,' that's pretty obvious. There's others that make subtle hints about drugs, but, you know, it's easy to overestimate the influence of drugs on the Beatles' music."

The song is one of the best on the album, and is well-loved by music critics. It's also quite popular in general, having both the distinction of being referenced by The Beatles themselves in a future song ("I Am the Walrus") as well as having a star named after it, the White dwarf star BPM 37093

I personally love this song. Its nursery-rhyme sound and psychedelic lyrics lull me into a trance half the time, and the other half the time it makes me dance wildly around the room, swaying in slow motion and then bouncing around during the chorus. :P Overall a fantastic song, one that's extremely well-suited for Sgt. Pepper

That's all for today! See you tomorrow. :)

Heard It Tally: 24
Songs Completed: 117

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