Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'll Follow the Sun

Today's song is "I'll Follow the Sun". It couldn't have fallen on a better day--it suits my mood perfectly. Sure, it's a bit depressing and melancholy--the singer's leaving his unappreciative lover, albeit sadly--but not every day can be about butterflies and happiness, as the boys knew well. Paul wrote and sang this one; he may have been going through a rough time, or was just inspired by unpleasant memories (one former fiancĂ©e had a miscarriage, causing their breakup; also, his girlfriend from around this time, Jane Asher, broke up with him after he cheated on her). However, it's a bit unlikely he had quite as much drama happening as John always seemed to have. 

Personally, the part that resonated most with me is the aspect of losing a loved one, something we all struggle with unless we're very, very lucky. In particular, the line "But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun" really sticks with me. It seems to say that there's no reason to stick around in the rain when sunshine's just around the corner. The storm could symbolize a bad relationship or even just a bad mood--whatever gets you down. 

Another line, "One day, you'll look to see I've gone", prompts me to embrace a slightly different reading of the lyrics. The reluctance on the part of the singer expands into the fundamental message of the song; he doesn't want to leave, but he's following the sun--at the risk of sounding religious, he's going on to better things. It's bittersweet, and wistfully hopeful at the same time, encouraging us to appreciate the people we love and let them know we care about them while we have the chance.

Maybe if I'd heard this song on a different day, I'd be all about the traditional reading... just not today. At the same time I'm glad it was today's song. It's my therapy. :) See you guys tomorrow.

Heard It Tally: 6
Songs Completed: 57

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