Friday, July 1, 2011

She's a Woman

"She's a Woman" is one of two new songs from the album Beatles '65; it was sung by Paul and marked his attempt at sounding more like Little Richard. Since I listen to the song before beginning my daily post, I didn't recognize Paul's voice at all. For a second I even thought I was accidentally listening to a different band's version of the song. :P Overall, not my favorite; his voice just sounds so strained and weird.

Paul's adventurous vocal styling jumps the song up to a much higher register than even his tenor voice was accustomed to performing. As far as the lyrics are concerned, however, John seemed to be quite pleased with one specific line: "The lyrics 'turn me on,', were as John Lennon was quoted saying, 'so excited to say 'turn me on' — you know, about marijuana and all that... using it as an expression.'" Needless to say, the guys had been experimenting with drugs for quite some time before this point and had no doubt slipped a few references into their lyrics--though of course not nearly as many as they would in the near future. 

That's it for today... Tomorrow we'll hear the other "new" song from this album, and then it'll be on to the next one! See you then. :)

Heard It Tally: 8
Songs Completed: 67

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